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Management mode of synthetic stone fixture

Management mode of synthetic stone fixture:
Acceptance → warehousing → custody → requisition → warehousing

I Acceptance of synthetic stone fixture
1. Check whether the synthetic stone fixture is attached with the Technical Parameter Table of Synthetic Stone Fixture.
2. The synthetic stone fixture support shall be firm and meet the use requirements.
3. When testing the first synthetic stone jig, the operator shall check whether there is short circuit or open circuit of the probe on the testing machine; Whether the self inspection probes of synthetic stone fixture will crush PCB board; Check whether the total number of points in the Technical Parameters Table of Synthetic Stone Fixtures is consistent, such as the number of open paths, the number of short circuits, etc.
4. If the inspection is qualified, the operator shall fill in the quality record and mark the synthetic stone fixture.
5. If the synthetic stone fixture fails to pass the inspection, such as short circuit and open circuit, the operator shall be responsible for handling, and fill in the unqualified notice to feed it back to the fixture production team for improvement.
II Storage of synthetic stone fixture
1. The composite synthetic stone fixture shall be placed on the probe of the fixture with a soft cushion, so that the probe of the upper and lower synthetic stone fixtures will not be damaged, and the synthetic stone fixture shall be completely covered with a plastic bag.
2. The newly made synthetic stone fixture (including the modified synthetic stone fixture) shall fill in the Application Record Form of Synthetic Stone Fixture.
3. After the synthetic stone tools are used, the operator shall be responsible for immediate homing, complete the corresponding handover procedures with the synthetic stone tool administrator, and register the test quantity and the condition of the synthetic stone tools.
4. The newly made synthetic stone tools should be placed in the corresponding empty space in the tool library. Generally, the same customer should have the same page or the same account when logging in; It is also placed in the same or adjacent empty space at the same level of the fixture library for easy retrieval.
5. The original synthetic stone fixture shall be placed in the corresponding numbered position against the account book.
6. When double-sided synthetic stone jigs are placed in the jigs inventory, the upper and lower jigs should be placed horizontally and combined together.
7. The one-sided synthetic stone fixture shall be placed vertically when it is stored.
III Storage of synthetic stone fixture
1. It is necessary to control the temperature and humidity of synthetic stone fixture warehouse within certain technical parameters, control the temperature ≤ 35 ℃, 75% RH, and prohibit direct sunlight.
2. Between the synthetic stone fixture placing cabinet and the placing cabinet, the width of the gangway for obtaining the fixture shall be favorable, and the specification of the fixture shall be kept at 100mm.
3. The design of the width, length and height of each grid of the placement cabinet shall conform to the distance between the width, length and height of the fixture.
4. For each fixture placement cabinet, the location of fixture placement at different levels shall be coded accordingly.
5. The code on the fixture is consistent with the code on the storage cabinet, and it can be directly placed in the original position when warehousing.
6. Fixtures must be stored neatly, stably and marked.
7. The changed or cancelled customer shall timely clean up the jigs and tools used, write them off from the account, and hand them over to the jigs and tools warehouse administrator for recycling.
4、 Acquisition of synthetic stone fixture
1. The fixture management personnel shall, according to the instructions of the production process card, verify the customers, models and relevant changes before issuing them, check the "Fixture Use Account Book" for registration, and take out the fixtures at the corresponding fixture storage location.
2. When taking out, slightly remove the fixture on the side and take it out straightly along the direction of fixture placement. If there is a fixture on the top, lift up and take out the upper fixture, and then take out the lower fixture. Collision between the two fixtures should be avoided to prevent damage to the probe.
3. Carefully remove the plastic bag from the fixture and fold it back to the corresponding fixture.
4. After using, the operator shall mark the return date and quantity on the "Records of Fixture Requisition", and the administrator shall verify and inspect them before archiving.


Dongguan Xulian Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

Telephone:0769-87980772   Fax:0769-87988687   Filing No:Yue ICP Bei No. 2022124356

Keywords: synthetic stone, wave soldering fixture, reflow soldering fixture, mold insulation plate, plastic mold, fixture, electronic materials, high temperature resistant materials, engineering materials

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